I’ve had a profile on Patreon for a few months. What is Patreon? This is a 2.0 patronage platform in which with your small financial contribution you can help me to continue being an independent creator, while you as a patron receive advantages and benefits.

I decided to start on Patreon as a complement to Instagram and sales of works. For a creator, relying solely on sales can lead him to restrict and limit his creativity by focusing on the themes that are sold. But what about those other ideas that you cannot carry out and that you have in mind? Well, it costs more to materialize them and here comes Patreon as that platform that allows me as an artist to have some peace of mind to be able to create and at the same time brings you as a patron to my work 100%. A good opportunity for me and you.
The reasons for you to be a part of Patreon are simple:
- You support my work as an independent creator, allowing me to continue being so.
- As a patron, you access publications, exclusive content (prints, original work) and advance sales thanks to the special section for patrons of my online store.
- You have direct contact with me. The relationship between a patron and an artist is necessary and unfortunately it has been lost in recent years.
- You will have gifts from me, from prints to being able to accumulate money in an art bag and then use it in any original work.
With your contribution I will be able to:
- Finance catalogs of my exhibitions
- Acquire new material to paint and to be able to produce the videos.
- Carry out larger works that require more time and dedication.
If you want to take a look at my profile on Patreon, do not hesitate, there are 4 levels in which you will have different advantages. I wait for you in PATREON!