Article published in the electronic magazine Art Reveal, 16th January 2019:
Jean Carlos Puerto explores the connection between objects and sensuality as poetics.
The exhibition entitled ‘Threshold/Umbral’, will be openned next January,11. 2019 at Galería Léucade ( Murcia) over 21.00 pm

Jean Carlos Puerto shows his new work called ‘Threshold’ at the Léucade Gallery next Friday 11 January. Where every single piece (twelve oil paintings and five drawings) speculates on the relationship between objects, the possibilities and their accesses, the desire as a motor, about rites of passage and sensuality as a poetic.
Curated by Ricardo Recuero, the formal and aesthetic research area of this project starts from the philosophical trend called “Speculative Realism“, of which Graham Harman is one of its most important representatives and from the concept of “Threshold”. From an overcoming of pictorial realism, understood this from “mimesis”, an aesthetics is proposed as a tool to create several meanings.
Artistic practice is nothing but a poetic action that seeks to investigate the constitutive relations of reality, not exclusively in interaction with the subject. Starting from Harman’s Ontology Oriented to Objects (OOO), painting would be the space of speculation in which the body, from a phenomenological conception of it, is craved above all “object”.
The threshold as a place of passage (physical-spiritual), as an access point, limit, edge, end and beginning, alluding to the work of Anne Cauquelin, can be an effective tool for cultivating the passage from the real to the possible but also from the possible to the real and painting, a performative act capable of transforming these realities.
Jean Carlos Puerto (Caracas – 1981) is an impeccable trajectory artist, with more than twenty prizes and mentions and whose work can be found at important private and institutional collections. His work is present in National (Art Madrid) or International (Salon International d’Art Contemporain – Paris) fairs and projects of the stature of Sexposer in Switzerland or Instinct Berlin